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Spice Up Your DIY Gifts

You don’t need a huge budget to show the people in your life that you care. You can pamper them with a little something special on their birthday or holidays without spending much money at all. You just need creativity and the willingness to put in a little elbow grease along with some nice wishes and sayings.

Spice Up Your DIY Gifts

You can visit this site for a variety of wishes collection for different occasions, whether you are looking for some nice birthday wishes or some motivational goodbye wishes, everything is there- just a click away. But don’t give your loved ones gifts that look like your kindergartner made them. Put some polish on gifts that they will actually want. Here are a few ideas:

Tasty Beverages

Do you like making your own brews? If you are an amateur brewer or vintner, your loved ones would most likely be thrilled to get a few bottles of your latest batch as a gift. Choose some nice bottles and invest in product label printing to give them a professional, polished look.

If you are gifting someone who doesn’t drink alcohol, consider making some sodas or kombucha. Experiment with different flavors to make the gift interesting and exciting. Again, choose nice bottles and add professional labeling.

You can even repackage commercially-made beverages as a gift. Design a special label with a meaningful date or photo to make it a gift that someone will love to get.

Bath Products

Bath products are popular gifts, and they are easy to make at home with items you likely already have in your pantry. Examples include soaps, bath bombs, sugar scrubs, and even candles.

Homemade bath salts


Many of these items can be made with a simple process and minimal ingredients. You can add a personal touch by choosing scents that you know the person would like and creating beautiful packaging. Put the products in cute, glass bottles and add hand-crafted labels, ribbon or twine, and other details. You can even add a small loofah or spoon for use with the products.

Wall Art

If you know the taste of the person you are gifting very well, then wall art is a nice choice. Everyone wants original wall art for their homes, but few can afford it.

Just browse Pinterest to get some ideas for the wall art you can make. You have literally hundreds of options. You can do some fun things with cutouts from paint swatches, such as lining up rows of hearts or dots in interesting gradations. You can use a stencil of your state on a blank canvas or reclaimed barn wood and paint a heart over the city where you live.

If you are artistic, you can create an original painting or drawing. The more original or special to the person you are giving the art, the more they will love it.

Personalized Mugs

Everyone loves a good mug. Even people who don’t drink coffee will use a mug for tea, hot chocolate or even milk.

All you need to create this gift is a white mug and a Sharpie marker. You can either freehand a message or a design, or you can use a stencil. You can also use a sticker to create a negative shape — just outline or shade the area around the sticker and then remove it to reveal the negative space.

You don’t need to do anything to seal the design. It won’t come off in the dishwasher. Add a bow to the mug when you gift it, and maybe fill it with something sweet like some candy or cookies.

Cookie and Cake Mixes

Sweets are the way to just about any person’s heart. We all like to have a sweet treat every now and then.

You can always give your loved one some homemade cookies, cakes or candies in a nice box or tin. However, if you want to put a different spin on the gift, you can put together a mix that your loved one can make when the mood strikes.

There are dozens of recipes online for these mixes, but most include a bit of sugar, flour, and maybe some chocolate or candies. The idea is that the person just has to dump everything in a bowl and mix — plus a couple of eggs or bit of milk from their own refrigerator.

Put these mixes in a large mason jar and tie the lid with some colorful baker’s twine. Write the recipe on a piece of card stock and attach it to the lid. Give the recipe a special name, or add some cute notes to the instructions, such as “mix the batter with love” or “sprinkle with kisses until done.”

They say that it’s the thought that counts when you give a gift, and making your own gifts shows that you have really put a lot of thought (and time) into the giving. Think of ways that you can personalize these gifts or the packaging so that they are even more special for the one you love.

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