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How To Plan An Adventure Trip With Kids: A Mom’s Step-By-Step Guide

Generally, planning a trip with kids can be daunting. An adventure trip can be more challenging as you want to ensure everyone remains safe and has a memorable experience during the trip, including Mom.

Traveling with your children does not have to be complicated. With proper planning, an adventure trip for your family, even when you have kids of different ages, can be less stressful and more fun-filled.

How To Plan An Adventure Trip With Kids

Why plan an adventure trip with kids?

Adventure trips can help create an amazing experience for both you and your little ones. It can create memories and inside jokes that will make you all laugh during family reunions years later. 

According to  Wild Bunch Desert Guides, an adventure tour company Scottsdale, it exposes your children to new cultures, environments, and ways of life. They can learn new skills, explore their curiosity, and gain a deeper appreciation for the world. 

Adventure trips make you work together as a team, thereby strengthening family ties. It also helps boost your kids’ confidence and make them realize they are capable of more than they think.

How to plan a family adventure vacation

Let us explore some valuable tips to help you plan a trip that everyone will enjoy:

Things to know and do before planning an adventure vacation

Before you start planning for your next trip, consider the following:

  • Set objectives for the trip: Set objectives and goals for your family trip. This might be to mark your bucket list or improve your family bonding. It can also be to help your family relieve the stress of work and school.
  • Decide on a time to travel: The time of travel should coincide with when every member of the family is free. Do not travel when the school is in session or during a busy time at work.
  • Assess your skills, expertise, and experience: Ensure you have the required experience to plan the trip. If you do not possess such, online research can be of help. Do not plan any adventure activities you lack the skills to undertake. For instance, unless you are ready to take all the required precautions, do not attempt scuba diving if you do not know how to swim.
  • Involve children in the planning: Allow your children to contribute to the planning process. This will make them feel more excited and invested in the trip. You will also get to know their expectations and how to plan the trip accordingly to ensure they have fun.
  • Be ready to compromise: Be prepared; things will not always go as planned. A typical example is when your children suddenly develop an interest in an adventure activity you did not plan. Be willing to compromise.

Choose a location and mode of transportation

There are lots of fantastic locations with different adventure activities you can explore with your kids. The wide variety of options can make it difficult to choose. 

One trick is to list the kinds of activities everyone is interested in exploring. Next, make a shortlist of locations offering these activities.

It is equally vital to decide on the appropriate mode of transportation. If you are taking a road trip, it is recommended that you break up the drive every couple of hours to stretch. Kids like running around, sitting still, and being strapped in a spot for a long time, which can be uncomfortable for them. 

If you are traveling with a tour company, check their policies regarding kids. 


Your budget will determine where you can go and what activities you can enjoy. Vacations with kids can be expensive. For a toddler, you might only have to worry about their extra diapers and other basic needs. However, some places will start charging you extra once your kid is two years old. 

Keeping kids entertained often involves paid activities like theme parks, museums with entrance fees, or special events.

To properly budget for the trip, find out the cost of everything, including transport, accommodation, travel insurance, visa processing fees, tour operator fees (where applicable), tour guide fees, food, and drinks.

Calculate about 20 percent of the total estimation for contingency.

Plan age-appropriate activities

Planning the perfect activities for your family adventure is about finding that sweet spot between excitement and relaxation for everyone. Pick activities that get everyone jazzed.

Some activities to enjoy during a family adventure vacation include: 

  • Kayaking
  • Hiking
  • Mountain biking
  • Dog sledding
  • Skydiving
  • Scuba diving
  • Flightseeing
  • Rock climbing
  • Horseback riding
  • Stand-up paddleboarding

Pack smart

As a mom, packing for the entire family can be stressful. To make it easier, get everyone involved. You want to ensure you have everything you will need on the trip.

Depending on the age of your children, carry essential items like diapers, wipes, a first-aid kit, and a change of clothes. Bring along their favorite toys, books, and games. They will need it to keep them entertained during travel.

If your adventure involves different terrains or climates, pack clothes for various weather conditions.

Be security cautious

While fun and memories are vital during your adventure trip, safety is most important. Some countries are safer for travelers than others.

Only visit areas where the safety of every member of your family is guaranteed. Some travel locations, for instance, are dangerous for female travelers. 

Prioritize the safety of your children throughout the vacation. Familiarize yourself with emergency contact information and medical facilities available at the destination.

Embrace, treasure, and capture the moment

Embrace and treasure every moment of the vacation. Take lots of photos and videos to capture the special memories.

Get your children involved by encouraging them to document the trip through drawing or journaling. 

If possible, collect souvenirs that will serve as beautiful reminders of the wonderful time shared.

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