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Five Ways To Make Your First Weeks At Home With A Newborn Less Stressful

Having a baby is exciting! It’s scary and stressful too. Especially if it’s your first baby and you aren’t exactly sure what life is going to be like now that your little bundle of joy has arrived.

Five Ways To Make Your First Weeks At Home With A Newborn Less Stressful

The first few weeks at home with your baby will be unlike anything you have ever experienced. Make sure you are able to spend as much time soaking it in and enjoying your fast-growing baby by following the tips on this list.

Have Your Pediatrician’s Contact Information Handy

A lot can seem strange and foreign when you’re taking care of a newborn, and every little rash, spot, and cry can make you wonder if there’s something seriously wrong with your baby. It’s important to know common warning signs for new parents of conditions like jaundice and ear infections, but it’s also important to feel like you can call your doctor whenever you need to.

Make sure you have your pediatrician’s information handy by placing it on the refrigerator or programming the number in your phone. Don’t be afraid to call and tell them about your child’s symptoms, no matter how silly they seem.

Keeping other numbers handy can help too! For example, if you’re breastfeeding, you should have your lactation consultant on speed dial. For anyone new you might have to call now that you have a baby, make sure their number is easily accessible so you don’t have to go digging for it when you’re sleep deprived and worried.

Let Your Support System Help

It can be difficult to ask for help, but no one needs help more than new parents! Reach out to friends and family if you need some help, and allow them to help when they offer.

A few ways your support system can help you during your first few weeks at home with a newborn include:

  • Bring over ready-made meals that can be tossed in the oven.
  • Keep an eye on the baby while you take a nap or run to the store.
  • Watch other kids so you can focus on the baby.
  • Provide you with companionship.

Don’t Be the Only One Night Feeding

Most moms feel like it’s their responsibility to be the primary feeder, and that’s especially true if you’re breastfeeding. Feeding a baby is a full-time job, and it’s one that you don’t get a break from at night. However, without adequate sleep, you aren’t going to function well in the morning.

There are a few ways to get a little more sleep with a new baby, but one of the best is to share night feedings. Even if you’re breastfeeding, your partner can still help. Take a little time to pump during the day so your partner can take the first feeding at night. That will give you a chance to sleep for quite a few hours in a row, which can give you more energy and make you less grumpy in the morning.

Make Healthy Choices When You Can

It’s always important to make healthy choices, but it’s especially important if you’re taking care of a new baby. If you’re breastfeeding, there are some great snacks that will enhance your milk supply while providing you with a little extra energy.

Whether you’re breastfeeding or not, you should reach for healthy foods when you can. Skip the potato chips and cookies that are easy to reach for when you’re feeling hungry but can’t cook a meal.

Moving your body is important too! Don’t feel like you have to hit the gym either. Go for a walk with the new baby or do some stretches in your living room.

Do Something to Remember You’re Not Just “Mom”

It’s easy to feel like your entire existence revolves around your new baby. In some ways, it does, but it’s important to remember that you’re not just “Mom”.

Parents can really benefit from maintaining hobbies, so take a few minutes every day to do something you love. Whether it’s painting, reading, or gardening, it will remind you that there is more to you than taking care of a newborn. Spending time with friends, going shopping alone, and even checking your email with your favorite cup of coffee can all help you feel a little bit more like you did before the baby arrived.

Having a newborn at home can be stressful, but it can be less stress and more fun if you do things to take care of yourself. This list is a great place to get started!

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